
Guest Post and Giveaway: Why I Write Children’s Stories by, Wallace E. Briggs

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a gazillion times – You are never too old to read children’s books and for me that includes Middle Grade novels. I also love to support independent writers. That’s why I’m so pleased to introduce you to Wallace E. Briggs and his book THE AMAZING ADVENTURES OF JIMMY CRIKEY: Worlds Beneath And Above The Stars. In this guest post, Briggs will give some insight into the importance of writing children’s books. Then stick around and enter to win a copy of the book for yourself!


Book Title:  THE AMAZING ADVENTURES OF JIMMY CRIKEY: Worlds Beneath And Above The Stars
by Wallace E. Briggs
Category:  Middle-Grade Fiction (Ages 8-12),  302 pages
Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy
Publisher:  Independent
Release date:   June 2020
Content Rating:  G

Do you want to know a secret? Beneath the very ground on which you walk and beyond the stars above your head, are more worlds than you could ever dream of. There are monsters. Be afraid. Magic, wielded by witches and sorcerers. Epic adventures in worlds far across the ocean. And fearsome weapons which threaten to destroy everything. Jimmy Crikey is a brave soul who faces some pretty scary challenges. Solving mysteries and averting mayhem, his incredible courage allows him to free up his abilities to shine and rise above every challenge in his path, on his way to discovering why he looks so very strange. With a bright red mop of unruly hair, big blue eyes, a small snub nose, pointed ears and enormous feet, poor Jimmy is ridiculed by the neighborhood children and runs away in search of a world where he fits in. Following a midnight flight through the forest, he stumbles into a lost, underground world called Roombelow and magic, adventure, danger and excitement await. From the little lady who lives at the bottom of a well, a starship that wants to take him home, trolls, little people, traders and diamonite stealers to water sprites, witches, helpful dolphins, and interplanetary warfare, Jimmy learns the biggest lessons of his life.

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Author Wallace E. Briggs

My formative years were experienced in and around Durham City. Married in 1964 to a girl I first met at the age of eleven, Pat and I spent many happy years in the North East before employment almost took us off to emigrate to Jo’berg, South Africa but plans were changed in the final weeks and instead the company moved me to Sussex. After more than twenty years in Sussex, then Hampshire, employment was again responsible for the move to beautiful rural Lancashire. Jimmy Crikey was born one rainy day, many years ago, during a family holiday in Great Yarmouth, to entertain my son and his new found friends for an hour or so. The story expanded over the following wet afternoons in the cramped confines of a beach tent, and more and more adventures were required to keep the children entertained. Many years later I decided to commit to the written word. Now retired I look forward to sharing The Amazing Adventures of Jimmy Crikey with a wider audience. These began as several short, twenty minute duration, stories but after an encouraging review from a major Publisher I brought them together in this offering and hope they will bring a sense of wonder and enjoyment to another generation.

connect with the author:  website

Guest Post: Why I Write Children’s Books by, Wallace E. Briggs

I have been asked several times why do I write children’s stories?

As usual, simple questions rarely have simple explanations.

For many years, until I was in my early thirties, I didn’t realise I could write stories which children might enjoy. I had only ever read stories to my children from the printed word. But I was determined to read  to my boys whenever I could, because when I was a youngster (brought up in a loving but impoverished  family environment) books were in short supply and I don’t remember ever having a bed time story read to me.

Minds, including those of my siblings, were not broadened by travel, to visit new horizons. Few families enjoyed owning a television with programmes to show a glimpse of the wonders of the world beyond our home villages.

I yearned to be transported into a world where poverty  was not a limiting factor. I needed a different world. Escapism? Yes, but also a release of pent up emotions and jealousy that I couldn’t  enjoy the fruits of life on the same  terms as more privileged children.

So, when I discovered that I could create new worlds and exciting adventures for children to get lost in, I began to write stories  to  entertain children in alternative worlds – worlds of fantasy where the absence of physical limitations did not limit the flights of imagination.

When a child’s imagination roams free wonderful worlds can come into existence and boundries to vision disappear.

Give young minds the freedom to soar then there are no limits to what an active mind can achieve.

I agree! The world is still not a perfect place. Inequalities still exist. There should be fewer families on the breadline – but are there?

I do so hope that the messages my stories give to my young readers are positive: that it doesn’t matter where you come from it’s down to your own efforts where you will end up. Have a dream and go for it. You may not reach your target at your first attempt but that doesn’t mean you won’t get there the next time you try.

Mirror, mirror on the wall
It doesn’t matter if you’re short or tall,
If your legs are skinny or your waist is wide,
It only matters what’s inside.
Blue eyes, brown eyes black or green
What make you beautiful cannot be seen.
When I look at you I don’t judge your parts.
The best thing about you is in your hearts.


What makes a person beautiful, is what shines out from inside.


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