
Meet the Author: Crystal Cestari, author of Super Adjacent

I am so excited to introduce you to Crystal Cestari.

Crystal Cestari is a YA author and founder of Starlight Writers Society, a support service for writers. Her debut title THE BEST KIND OF MAGIC was recently named a 2020 Illinois Read pick for grades 6-8, and her fourth YA novel, SUPER ADJACENT, releases March 2020 from Disney/Hyperion.

After reading Super Adjacent, I knew I needed to learn more about the author who brought that book to life! Cestari was kind enough to take some time to answer my questions. Here’s what she had to say:

When did you know that you wanted to become a writer? Is there a specific memory where you remembering learning the power of language and stories?

I knew I wanted to be a writer after reading “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” in second grade. I’d never read anything so magical before, and I wanted to create the same kind of fictional adventure!

If you could meet any other author, alive or dead, who would it be and why?

Not an author per se but I’d want to meet Walt Disney. He was such an amazing storyteller, and never gave up pursuing his dreams, no matter the challenges he faced.

What is the best piece of advice that you could give to aspiring writers?

Be kind to yourself. Writing can be a long, lonely journey, so be patient and gentle with yourself and the process. No one gets it right on the first try!

Fun Facts about Crystal Cestari

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor – Depends on my mood, but today I’m feeling cookie dough!

Favorite Pizza Topping – Either cheese and spinach or Hawaiian

Favorite Dessert – Ice cream!

Favorite snack to eat while you are writing – Cookies

Favorite Drink – Coffee in the morning, white wine at night

What would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal? Unicorn

If you didn’t write, what would your occupation be? Still something in the arts. Or maybe a teacher!

What do you enjoying doing when you aren’t writing or reading? I love spending time with my family.

Would you rather have an endless summer or an endless winter? Summer!

Thank you to Crystal Cestari for joining me on Books, Tea, Healthy Me. Go and check out Super Adjacent and her other books today!

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